nu är man en filosof igen..
Sometimes we feel that we are lost in our way, our way or your way, we are lost.
Our eyes are open but are answers are fading away with the road we are going trough.
We don't always know the answers, but what are the questions?
We think that everything has a purpose and if we don't succeed it, we fail.
Fail of living our life, fail of making the right choices and the right manners.
Some aren't happy with who they are and who they are becoming and some wish they had another life that they lived in another way. But when you are 18 or 25, who said you life is over, you life has just begun and it's not until you have stopped breathing when you can say" My life sucks, its over"
Everyone should be proud of what they are becoming and who they are.
Maybe you are not meant to be anything or anyone else then you are right, right this moment.
Maybe you are meant to be the way you are meant to be and nothing should change it, not for this moment and you should be proud of it, until the end of time.
det är så jag känner nu i alla fall. hur känner ni?