The reality.

Sometimes you hide just so no one can see you.

Sometimes you hide from the thing you are most afraid of.

Hide just to convince yourself that you are over it.

Hide from the thing that no longer is there.


Sometimes we get scared of the truth

We try to convince ourselves that the truth is a lie.

We try to convince ourselves that the lie is the truth, and we hold on to it.

Sometimes because we don't want the truth to be truth

We hide from those who know that the truth is the truth and not the other way.

And we do that, hide from the reality because it still hurts and you still wish for the best to happen.

The truth may hurt but its better than all the lies that may hurt even more when they come out and becomes the truth. The reality.

 But still you can hold on to whatever you are holding on to, just try not to forget that you are here and whatever is holding you to move on, is now gone. But you are not.



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