Drömmar får mig att minnas och inte glömma.

have you ever felt this strange feeling when you wake up from a dream and you cant place it. Was it a good dream or a bad one. Was this dream something you still deny that it didnt happend or was this dream telling you to move on and let go. have dreams something to say to us when we wake up or is it just something that helps us hoping on something we might never know if it is real or not. If this little piece in your dream, has to do with the future or the past or maybe either, still, does it counts for us to seek if the dreams we are dreaming are telling us something?

have you ever had a dream that when you woke up, you thought that this was the dream, but instead it was the reality. have you ever had a dream that clear and realistic that you just couldnt figure it out, why you dreamt it and why it was so realistic that you were in chock of waiking up.

have you ever felt this strange feeling or more like a courage of doing something and there is this wall that is stopping you from doing it. Like when you havent run for a while and your legs are screaming at you to just get your ass up and run, run until you cant breath, until you know you have done your best.

have you ever felt this feeling of saying something that no one, even yourself thought you wouldnt, this feeling of beeing so close to this word/words but there is something stopping you.
maybe it is your self esteem that is telling you to go with your heart and your mind and the way you have always done things, cause its who you are and why change it. But doesnt our hearts and minds have two sides, one saying "do this" and the other side, " do that"
so to whom do i listen?

i had this kind of feeling, this kind of dream. And sometimes i am glad for my dreams- cause they mention things that i have forgotten.


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